The Granville neighbourhood of Richmond is in North-West Richmond. The Granville, Richmond neighbourhood is South of Granville Avenue and North of Blundell Road. It is between Railway and Gilbert Road. In addition, an area around Brighouse Elementary is also part of the neighbourhood.
Majority of the properties in Granville neighbourhood are single-family detached homes. The starting price point for these is currently $1,700,000. However, there are also a few townhouse complexes starting at $900,000. Lastly, there is a large leasehold complex on Lindsay Road, called Sussex Square. These are very affordable condos in a family-friendly neighbourhood. The starting price for a 1 bedroom condo there is currently $200,000. While 2 bedroom condos are starting at $275,000.

If you live in Granville, you have easy car access into Vancouver over Dinsmore Bridge from Gilbert Road. You are also a 5-minute drive away from the closest skytrain station. Lastly, if you commute by bus, there is bus service along Railway, Granville Avenue, and Blundell Road.
The Granville neighbourhood falls into multiple school catchments. So, your school will depend on which part of the neighbourhood you live in. The three elementary schools are McKay, Blundell, and Brighouse. These have a rating of 7.9, 7.1, and 7.0 respectively. The high schools are Burnett and Richmond Secondary. The rating for these school is 5.3 and 5.9.
There are three neighbourhood parks to enjoy. These are McKay, Garratt, and Brighouse Neighbourhood School Parks. Brighouse park also includes a community garden. In addition, Minoru Park is easily accessible to residents despite being outside of the neighbourhood. This park was recently renovated.
Shopping, Dining & Things to Do
Due to the nature of this area all the shopping and dining options are outside of the neighbourhood. However, Blundell Centre is within walking distance. There are 42 stores for all your day to day needs.
Furthermore, if you have any additional questions about this neighbourhood, do not hesitate to contact Your Two Awesome Realtors!