Should you use a Buyer’s Agent when you are looking to purchase a home? What about a pre-sale property? The answer in short is, YES!
Buying a home is the biggest and most expensive life decision you will ever make. Having someone who represents you and looks out for your best interest is very important. The Seller’s agent is there solely to work in the best interest of their client.
If you’re thinking of purchasing a home without a buyer’s agent, here are four reasons why you shouldn’t:

Negotiation Skills
Experienced Real Estate agents are excellent negotiators. They know the ins and outs of real estate transactions. Like what information to ask for and how they can use it as leverage, to benefit you as their client. They will not only negotiate the best price for the property, but also the best terms and conditions.
Life is already so busy, so why would you want to spend hours browsing through public websites daily to find a home that meets your needs? Your buyer’s agent has the tools to set you up on automated listing searches that email you all the properties that would work for you. They also have advanced access to presale properties and inside information on “off-market” properties giving you access to more properties that fit your needs.
Your buyer’s agent will know the ins and outs of the different neighbourhoods they work in. They can tell you which areas have the best schools, which neighbourhoods are up and coming, good for investments, quiet, very walkable etc. so that you can you find the perfect neighbourhood for your needs.
Market Analysis
Professional Real Estate Agents have access to recent sales and market stats. They have also been through many of the properties that have sold in the area so they have a good understanding of value and what price you should be offering on a particular property.
Lastly, your Buyer’s agent only gets paid if you successfully purchase a property from them. They are also paid by the Sellers, so you get all the knowledge and expertise without any out-of-pocket expenses.
If you or someone you know if thinking of buying a home, send your Two Awesome Realtors a message.