Buying a foreclosure can be quite the process, there are many things that you need to consider before you get involved. Time It can be a long process. It is not like a typical Real Estate transaction, where you have a 1-week subject removal. You actually remove your subjects first and then wait for a court date to be set in order to get court approval for the sale to go through. Foreclosure Clause: As-Is, Where-Is Before you start ... Read the Post...
What you Need to Know About The Speculation and Vacancy Tax?
The Speculation and Vacancy Tax is an annual tax, which is charged, based on how owners use residential properties in urban areas throughout BC. However, it was introduced in an attempt to turn empty homes into housing for people who live and work in BC. Funds collected through the tax will also support affordable housing initiatives. Who Needs to File a Speculation Tax Declaration? Everyone who owns residential real estate, in ... Read the Post...