The Brighouse South neighbourhood of Richmond is in Central Richmond. The Brighouse South, Richmond neighbourhood is South of Granville Avenue and North of Blundell Road between Garden City Road and Gilbert Road. Although it is comprised primarily of condos there are still several townhouse complexes in the area. The starting price point for townhouse in the area is $830,000. However, condos in the area have a starting price point of $400,000.

Brighouse South is a great place to live if you commute by public transit. You have easy access to the Brighouse Station Skytrain as well as bus services along all the major routes. Since this neighbourhood is centrally located you can easily commute by car to all part of Richmond.
The Brighouse South neighbourhood falls into two elementary and high school catchments. So, your school will depend on which part of the neighbourhood you live in. If you live East of No. 3 Road, the elementary school is General Currie Elementary. Which has a 7.1 rating on Fraser Institute’s school ranking list. Your high school would be Palmer Secondary. The rating for this school is 7.5.
If you live West of No. 3 Road, the elementary school is Ferris Elementary. It has a rating of 7.9. The high school is Richmond Secondary which has a 5.9 rating.
In addition to the school parks, Brighouse South, Richmond also has the Brighouse neighbourhood park. It is a 7.8 acres sport park with 2 sports fields, 1 ball diamond, a lacrosse box, and 2 sets of spectator benches. Located just outside of the neighbourhood is the Minoru Park and Garden City Park.
There are some shopping options in Brighouse South, Richmond. One of which is the St. Albans Shopping Centre. This complex has Dulux Paint as well as 7-11. Other shopping options in the area include:
- Value Village
- RAPS Animal Hospital Thrift Store
- Blundell Market
Richmond Center Mall is a short walk from Brighouse South, and it has a number of shopping options including clothing stores, Sleep Country, Saint Germaine Bakery and electronic stores.
Brighouse South has a few dining options. Did you know the first McDonalds in Canada was opened in Richmond? More specifically in Brighouse South on the corner of No. 3 Road and Granville Avenue. Other dining options include:
- Sea Fortune
- TuMa
There are several dining options along No. 3 Road and at Richmond Center just outside of the neighbourhood.
Furthermore, if you have any additional questions about Brighouse South, Richmond, do not hesitate to contact Your Two Awesome Realtors!