The Boyd Park neighbourhood of Richmond is in West Richmond. Boyd Park, Richmond is a family-oriented community. It is comprised primarily of single-family homes and older condos with some townhouses. The starting price point for detached home in the area is $1,500,000. However, due to their age, condos are much more affordable with a starting price point of $400,000.

If you live in Boyd Park, there is bus service along No. 1 Road and Railway Ave. The 401 and 406 buses will connect you to Richmond Centre and Steveston Village. However, if you enjoy biking for fun or for your daily commute, there is an off-road bike path along Railway Avenue. This path will connect you to the Terra Nova dyke and Steveston South.
The Boyd Park neighbourhood falls into two elementary school catchments. So, your school will depend on which part of the neighbourhood you live in. If you live North of Francis Road, the elementary school is Grauer Elementary. Which has a 5.8 rating on Fraser Institute’s school ranking list. However, if you live South of Francis, the elementary school is Diefenbaker Elementary. It has a rating of 7.9.
Regardless of which part of the neighbourhood you live in the high school is Hugh Boyd Secondary which has a 4.1 rating. High Boyd Secondary has an incentive program which challenges motivated students to achieve academic and personal excellence. This may be ideal for your children. Lastly, St. Joseph the Worker, a private Catholic elementary school, is also in the neighbourhood.
The Boyd Park neighbourhood has a community park which has tennis courts, basketball courts, and a playground. There is also the Boyd Oval Sportsfield, the soccer field, and Grauer Neighbourhood Park. If you enjoy gardening, you will also have access to the Railway Geal Community Garden.
All your shopping and dining options are located a short walk away along No. 1 Road in Seafair. However, in the neighbourhood there is the West Richmond Pitch & Putt Golf Course. It is a nine-holes and perfect for children and beginners. The West Richmond Community Centre is also in Boyd Park. It has a fitness centre, badminton and squash courts, and activities for seniors and teens.
Furthermore, if you have any additional questions about Boyd Park, Richmond, do not hesitate to contact Your Two Awesome Realtors!